Nails Care

Nails Care
Posted on Apr 29th, 2013 | Comments (1)
Beauty Tips
Have a look at your nails. Are they strong and healthy looking?
Nails have become the integral part of style. Nails care is very essential as your hands are always visible and most prominent part. Nail care is also very important for personal grooming. It will look awkward that you applied makeup carefully and dressed well but your nails are pale and weak. Never neglect your nails care. Nails also require attention like other body parts. Healthy nails arecrystal clear and give a pinkish look due to flow of blood in tissues underneath them. Here are some essential handy nail care tips which would definitely help you.
To make your nails strong and healthy, it is necessary to take a healthy diet that is rich in essential nutrients, proteins and vitamins. The consumption of fruits and vegetables should be the part of your daily routine. Silicon rich food such as onion and fish is great choice for health of nails. Banana is also helpful in making your nails healthy. Zinc and Vitamin B are must for health of nails. Calcium and phosphorus are the requirement of nails that you can get from curd, cheese and fresh carrot juice.
The most important thing for having strong nails is to drink plenty of water because water keeps nails hydrated and also flush out the toxins.
To make nails look strong and beautiful, their cleanliness is also important. You should try to keep your nails as clean as you can because it has direct contact with your inner organs while eating. You can use nail brush or tooth brush for cleaning your nail. Don’t use any hard instrument for your nail otherwise it will be harmful for your nail. Dip your nails for two minutes in warm water and then buff your nails with tooth brush with soft bristles.
Cultivate your nails when required. You can also use nail paints to protect your long nails from splitting and peeling. Avoid the continuous application of nail polish because it prevents oxygen to reach the nails and by constant application it leads to discoloration. Purple nails are the sign of lack of oxygen so if you want pink sheen reflecting from your nails then you must make your diet proper.
One of the easiest and handy tips of nail care is to apply garlic juice on nails or rub the nails with clove of garlic makes your nails strong and healthy. If your nails are not strong then use hand cream and cuticle oil or even olive oil that makes your nails moisturized.
The most important thing is that after working in water like washing dishes or clothes you should use moisturizer for the protection of your nails as well as hands. Rubbing lemon juice on nails makes your nails smooth and also makes your nails to shine.
For healthy nails you can use thin layer of tea tree oil. It will help you to keep your nails clean and free from fungus.
Sun rays are also harmful for nails so whenever you go out in day time you must use a sun block elements and vitamin E to protect them.
Nails care not only makes your nails strong and sturdy but also prevents against a large number of health care issues triggered by the means of germs and harmful bacteria.

Taking Care of Toddler Nails

Taking Care of Toddler Nails
Posted on Aug 19th, 2013 | Comments (0)
Beauty Tips
Cleanliness is very essential not only for you but for you child as well. If you want your child remain healthy than you must take care of everything related to your child. Toddlers have a habit of putting everything in their mouth to taste and some toddlers suck their thumb and fingers in certain circumstances. Big nails have germs in them so sucking thumb or fingers can make your child ill.
So to prevent your child from illness or any kind of disease, you should take great care of your toddler’s nailand trim them regularly to make them germs free.
No doubt, clipping nails of a toddler is a little bit nerve racking for you but not for toddler. It might be a challenge for you to cut the nails of such a small baby who even can’t tell you that you are clipping his skin too with his nails. You need to be very careful in this aspect.
Moreover, it is tough for you to sit still keeping your child’s hand and foot steady to avoid any cut from nail clipper or scissors. But for your child’s better health, you need to take care of his nails. Dirty nails trap dirt easily and long nails could result in scratches for your child. Here’s how to take care of toddler nails.

• Check under nails regularly

If your toddler’s nails are short then don’t think that they are dirt free. Short nails of toddler can also accumulate germs and dirt in them. Gunk gets stuck in them that can affect your child’s health. To avoid the dirt and germs, try to wash hands of your toddler at bedtime daily as it can remove most of the dirt. You can also use a rounded wooden toothpick or a scrubbing brush to remove the dirt from the nails of toddler.

• Lead the way

It is fact that small children or toddlers are more fearful of the things they are not familiar with. Nail clipper can frightened toddler when he see it in your hand and coming towards him. So casually take out the nail clippers to use on and made your child familiar of it so that he may no feel fear when he see it in your hand.

• Avoid scissors

As scissors have sharp points that can hurt your child while trimming his nails so you should avoid sharp pointed scissors. Scissors with round edges are best for nail trimming of the toddler. They minimize the risk of hurting your child. To take care of your toddler nails, you need to trim them gently.

• Soften them up

Water can soften up the nails which let them trim easily. Before trimming, try to soften the nails of toddler by pouring 1 tsp of baby shampoo in warm water and mix the water thoroughly. Now soak your toddlers feet in that water for at least 5 minutes. This tip will help you in trimming nails of your baby without splitting.

• Don’t get impatient

Never become impatient in your child’s matter. Try to accomplish every task (of your child) with patience and ease. Same is in the case of nail care of toddler. It is not compulsory to finish all the trimming of ten fingers and ten toes in one sitting. If your toddler is stubborn or not let you trim his nails all at once than don’t be impatient!
You can trim the remaining at some other time or even the next day. There is no hard and fast rule for trimming all the nails in one time.

Above mentioned tips can help you to make your toddler healthier by keeping his nails clean and trimmed.

Enhance Your Beauty with Marvelous Nail Trends

Enhance Your Beauty with Marvelous Nail Trends
Posted on Apr 15th, 2013 | Comments (1)
Beauty Tips
Nails are one of the prominent parts of body. Along with the increasing fashion, nails fashion has also become very much popular among females. Fashion would never be complete without beautiful nails. Women tend to focus on latest nails shapes and nails art. Nails naturally come in a variety of shapes and sizes and each person has unique nail features.
There are long fingers with wide nail beds, short fingers with short nail beds and every combination in between. There are five basics shapes of nails which are adopted by majority of ladies such as square, oval, round, pointed and squoval. The shapes of the nails have become central part of fashion.
Oval shape is an attractive nail shape for most women’s hands and very much in fashion. It can accentuate femininity and gracefulness among women.
Square shape is the most popular in nail fashion. Square shapes compliment the nail and add length to finger but for long nail beds.
Round shape is more conservative and gives a very clean look to hand. It is usually adopted by females because round shape gives softer and less noticeable look. It is the common choice because it mirrors the natural contours of the nails.
Nails are one of the most attractive parts of body. Hands due to their utility are most vulnerable to aging and the best way to have a lasting youthful look of nails is manicure. Manicure and pedicure groom, trim and paint nails in more natural and stylish way.
Many nail colors and techniques have developed and nail art is found in extremely diverse variety. Nail polish stamps and stickers are in trend and most popular nail stickers are animal prints, animals and flowers. Fake and real rhinestones are also in nail fashion and are used for additional decoration to make nails and hands more impressive and charming. The newest way of French manicure is half moon manicure. It makes the nails  look fresher.
Black nail color looks hot and sexy on nails. Black nail color is a choice of females of all age groups. Simple black or black with different colors and with different techniques especially stroke technique is very eye catching. 
Glitter dipped nails look more trendy and are eye catching. Glitter tipped nails in red, gray, golden and silver give glamorous look and hands become more attractive.
Metallic nail colors look fabulous. When you apply metallic colors to your nails you just say Wowww!! Metallic nail colors with their shining are being mostly adopted by teenagers. You will definitely love it.
Nails now have become the integral part of style and fashion. Long nails and nails care lead to fashion statement. Nails make hands beautiful and give lasting youthful look. You can go with any of the above mentioned nail shapes and nail color and its amazing designs. It will help you make your nails attractive and fabulous and you will be surely much confident while using your hands with beautiful nail colors and designs.
Spring Nail Color Trend 2013

2013 is considered as the year of nail trend. Fashion would be incomplete without beautiful nails. Nails - if beautifully painted - increase the beauty of hands otherwise pale and dirty nails look unseemly. Nail colors are the hottest accessory this year. If you are in desperate need of change in this spring, the season of colors, why don’t you go with spring nail color trend 2013? You will definitely love it.
Whatever nail color you wear, always keep one thing in mind that you oftenly touch up your nails and they are most prominent part so your nails must be cool and eye catching because perfection is a key with shades. To have perfect nails you can play with different colorful shades this spring. Choose beautiful spring colors. Spring has a lot of shades. There are some idea about spring nail trend and spring nail color trend that you can follow to make your hands pretty and hot.
This spring the shape of nails has taken central stage. Thin and long nails with rounded points are popular and in fashion in this spring. Extended nails elongate your fingers that seem to be beautiful. You can beautify your nails by using different shades, textures and designs.
Some females like light nail colors while others like dark according to their choice. Light shades of nail polish are in trend especially in spring. The light shades that are very much in use and popular include icy pink, cool lilac and shimmery yellow. Creamy soft shades of gray, pink and white look refreshing. Just keep in mind the suitable color combination.
Manicure has been in trend for many years. A number of manicures are being used by majority of girls. The new way to do a half moon manicure. You can use black shade on white with stroke technique. Black shade on white miraculously makes the tip of your nails even more eye catching creating a pretty French manicure effect.
Black nail polish is the most popular among teenagers. Its not just for twilight fans and teenage goths. I would suggest you to wear black nail color this spring. Black shade is vivid with a fresh and sexy flair. You can go with Silver and white shades on black with different designs particularly with stroke technique. It looks hot. This spring nail trend will never be worn out, I tell you.
Mint green has been popular for last two years in spring. This color can be carried into spring this year. You can paint your nails with mint green shade to be more stylish and trendy. If you love your nails to be bold but not overwhelming then you can go with lime and mango colors that give a fresh look to your nails.
Chipped nail polish is not in style this spring. If you are glitter lover then you should definitely paint your nails with glitter.Beaded nails are still going strong in this spring. Whenever you paint your nails with glitter, you must finish off your nails with another layer of topcoat otherwise shimmer flecks on nail color snag your clothes. Glittery nails look not only girly but also trendy and perfect.

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